Monday, February 1, 2010

We are still alive!

Many of you are probably wondering if we have fallen off the edge of the world as it has been so long since I last wrote. This will only be a quick update. I spent a month in UK, mostly staying with Hannah and Simon but visiting Kati most days. I think she appreciated having some extra help and support and I looked after the children for 5 days while she and Rhys had a short break together.
She is still quite poorly with severe depression and anorexia.
It was lovely spending time with all the grandchildren, and especially getting to know Ben. I was able to do some babysitting.
My flight back to the Falklands on 20th Dec was eventually confirmed and then 2 days before I was due to leave the air line which was subcontracted to do the military flights went into liquidation! However a replacement was found and with many delays, including 14 hours on Ascension Island, I got back here on 22nd.
Simon had done a great job keeping my garden going but there was plenty to catch up with when I got home. Christmas cards and letters are still in the to do list.
On Christmas Day we helped serving a meal for some of the Zimbabwian deminers who are working here at present. Several of them regularly come to our church which is encouraging for us.
Pete and Niki arrived on Boxing Day and we had a fantastic 2 weeks with them, getting out and about quite a lot and seeing more fantastic wildlife.
Since they left I have been covering for the district nurse while she has been on holiday so have been at work most days. I handed back to her this morning. Tomorrow is a day off and then I start work on the ward again on Wednesday.
Our most exciting news is that Hannah, Simon and Ben are coming to visit us, arriving on February 11th and we are looking forward to showing them some of the wildlife here.
I really will try to post some photos soon. If I can remember how!

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