Friday, December 26, 2008

Local birds

If I walk into town there are usually some interesting birds to see on the way.
There is a large grassy area between the road and the harbour and a group of magellanic oystercatchers are often feeding there. They make very evocative crying sounds and perform fascinating courtship displays.
There are also blackish oystercatchers, usually singly or a pair, feeding amongst the pebbles at the water's edge.There are always groups of upland geese on the grass and often a pair of kelp geese on the shore.
Of the 3 types of gull resident here the kelp gulls are the most common. They frequently pull mussels from the edge of the sea and then fly over the road and drop them to crack open the shells. Because of this the road is usually littered with broken shells and small stones. I am not sure if the stones did have mussels on them or if the gulls pick them up by mistake.
The giant southern petrels are amazing when gliding effortlessly along (but hard to photograph). They look less appealing when waiting to scavenge whatever comes from the outfall pipe.
There are frequently turkey vultures soaring overhead and occasionally seen on the ground.

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