Thursday, October 23, 2008


I was wondering whether to work backwards or forwards chronologically or just to write about different topics. It will probably end up being a mixture but as Simon has posted a picture of our garden with snow on and as we are British I thought I would start with the weather.
It is certainly very variable. As we flew into Mount Pleasant airport the mountains were covered with snow and I was struck by the huge number of lakes and ponds we flew over and how indented the coastline is. When we left the plane the wind hit us and it felt cold!
It is very often windy and sometimes extremely windy although there are occasionally calm sunny days when it is really warm. Last Saturday we had gale force winds. In fact one of the old wrecks in the harbour - the Jhelum, which has been there since it was declared unseaworthy in the 1870's partially disintegrated during the storm and ancient timbers washed up on the shore. (I noticed when taking some stones and garden rubbish to the tip yesterday that they had been collected up and dumped which seemed rather a sad end for such relics). When we went for a walk along the promentary on the far side of the harbour (the sheltered side) on Saturday evening I was glad to be wearing my long thermal undies, fleece, windproof coat, hat, scarf and gloves.
However Sunday afternoon was still and sunny and I felt hot in a T shirt when we climbed Tumbledown Mountain (scene of fierce fighting shortly before the liberation of Stanley).
Generally it has been very dry since we arrived but we have had rain the past couple of days.

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