So, what else has been happening? At the moment I only have a couple of shifts each week at work, but that can quickly change! I have been tidying up the garden and also doing a bit of gardening for our neighbour in exchange for Spanish lessons. I can now say "it is a nice day isn't it" and "please give me the blue pencil". We have had some cold spells but also some lovely warm sunny days. The flower bed I planted to screen the vegetable bed is still looking very pretty and the tree lupins in it are growing quite big.
On a sunny morning about a week ago I went for a walk from Gypsy Cove around Tussac Point and Engineers Point. The penguins have all gone from Gypsy Cove (although I did recently see a stray one swimming in the harbour). I saw this pair of Falkland Flightless Steamer ducks (also known as logger ducks) in Hadrassa Bay. There are a lot of them around but it is usually hard to get very close to them. The male has the more orange beak and paler head. They can not fly but 'steam' along the surface of the water flapping their wings and paddling their feet. They can be very pugnacious and territorial.
This is a pair of kelp geese. The male is the white one. They are usually on the shore line feeding amongst the kelp.
When I first spotted this on the shore I thought it was a skeleton of some sort but on closer examination it turned out to be a tree skeleton!
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