The triathalon which we were meant to be taking part in on Sunday was cancelled due to the weather as we had snow on Saturday which froze hard overnight and the roads were very icy. This is the main road past our turning on Sunday morning and it was very slippery.

However I enjoyed getting out for an early morning walk, heading eastwards along the edge of the harbour, just after the sun rose.

Taking photos was tricky as my hands were numb in seconds after taking my gloves off, although it warmed up quite a bit while I was out.

This is a carancho or Southern caracara, a rather shy bird of prey. We don't usually see them around here but there was one about a couple of weeks ago, so I guess it is probably the same one.

These are kelp geese. The male is white and the females dark. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups whereas the upland geese are often in quite big flocks.

I had not been home long before it was snowing hard again.

In fact it has continued on and off since so is now really quite deep and there are big drifts. I have walked to work the past 2 days and was glad of my ski goggles this morning as there was a blizzard. Many roads are closed and I heard on the radio earlier that they have stopped spreading salt and grit because there is too much snow on the roads.
The plane which was due in yesterday was cancelled so we still have our visitor with us. Incoming passengers were left on Ascension Island and the plane returned to UK. We are hoping that Thursday's flight will get here as we are due to leave on it on Friday. It will be very crowded as it will take today's passengers as well.
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