This was the first time we had seen rockhopper penguins and they are very captivating. They are the smallest of the penguins here but seem to have real characters and are very inquisitive.

Like the magellanic penguins they are only here in the summer. For some reason they chose to nest at the top of steep cliffs and come ashore where waves are crashing onto rocks. It is amazing that they don't get smashed to pieces.

They then hop up the rocks, using their beaks to help them where it is very steep.

Because they have used the same routes for many years there are deep grooves worn in the rocks by their claws.

They often seem to nest in mixed colonies with shags and albatrosses which are very chaotic. The older chicks are left in large groups or creches whilst the parents go fishing.

When they came down from the colony they seemed to be having great fun bathing and playing in rock pools before leaping into the sea. They swim incredibly fast, like little torpedos and often leap out of the water as they are going along.

These ones had climbed even further up the hill to drink at a small stream. Apparently at another site on Saunders Island there is a waterfall where they enjoy having a shower.
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