Once again apologies for long overdue blogs! Last week I wasn't rostered any shifts but ended up working 5 days due to staff sickness.
We have had some very cold, wet and windy weather but today has dawned clear so I am hoping to get out in the garden to do some tidying up and plant out some wallflowers that should have been planted out months ago. The council decided that for a trial the clocks would not be put back this autumn which means that the mornings are now very dark It has not been popular with many people but I appreciate having the lighter afternoons.
Our church coordinator, who usually takes a lot of the services, has been away for medical treatment since early March and is not likely to be back before July so I have been taking extra services and the preparation takes me ages.
We have continued to get away for the weekend about once a month with friends and are going to Walker Creek this coming weekend. This may be our last trip as the off- road tracks are getting very wet and many of the houses are now closed up for the winter.
I have been looking after a neighbour's hens while they are on leave and also someone else's hens and cat and walking a dog when the friend who was caring for them was ill.
That friend has just rung to ask if I would like to take her and the dog somewhere for a walk this morning so the best laid plans etc!
Sunset over the harbour in early April