Time seems to go very quickly. Last week I worked 36 hours - 2 night shifts and then 2 day shifts over the weekend. I did manage to get the lawns mown and the edges strimmed one sunny afternoon. Hopefully that will be the last time before next spring so the mower and strimmer have been cleaned and put away.
I have built an enclosure in one corner of the back garden with a metal gate and some wooden pallets I got from the tip so today I moved the heap of grass and turf into a tidier pile there and the compost bin has also been moved to that corner.
The battle with the earwigs continues. I am now trapping them in marg pots with cooking oil and a few drops of fish oil in, both in the garden and polytunnel. I strain the dead earwigs out each day but although I have caught about 5 pints of earwigs in the last 10 days the population does not seem to be reduced and some lettuce and parsley seedlings I planted in the polytunnel a few days ago are being decimated. The number coming into the house is also increasing and I have seen them eating the mustard and cress growing on the kitchen window sill.
On Saturday evening we went to a production by the local amateur dramatics group in the town hall. It was quite a treat to go out for the evening and very good value as the tickets were £5, popcorn 40p for a large bag and you could have a drink plus any 2 homebaked items (sandwhiches, cakes and biscuits) for £1 during the interval. The play was a farce called Panic Stations by Derek Benfield. There was some excellent acting and it was made extra funny by knowing several of the cast.
We had a larger than usual congregation at church on Sunday morning and the 4 children there gave out bunches of sweet peas to all the mums and grannys for mother's day. I must admit I did feel a bit homesick for my children and grandchildren and shed a couple of tears. It also brought back many memories of special times spent with my Mum and reminded me how much I still miss her. We have our bible study and prayer meeting this evening and I am leading the study. We are studying the first part of Genesis at the moment.
Yesterday was extremely windy and difficult to do much outside so I had a tidy up in the garage. Today has been calm and this morning was sunny so it was a pleasure to cycle to the leisure centre for a swim. I did a bit of shopping on the way back through town and was plesantly surprised to find a new pair of shoes suitable for work. The choice of footwear here is fairly limited. I brought 2 pairs with me but my big toe has poked through one of them and the bottom has fallen off one of the other pair!
As I was cycling back home I noticed a group of dolphins swimming around in the kelp at the edge of the harbour so stopped to watch them for a while. These little Commerson's dolphins periodically make snorting sounds so they are sometimes called puffing pigs. On occasions they have swum around and under Simon's board when he has been windsurfing. I have not had that pleasure yet, although I have seen penguins and last time I went out I found a small fish wriggling around my feet on the board!
Tomorrow I am back at work (my only shift this week unless I am called in for extras). I have been working more on the general ward recently rather than elderly care as we have been quite busy. I am finding this quite challenging but am learning new things slowly and people are very patient and helpful to me.